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Child day care - allocation of places and advice

Das Team Kindertagespflege vermittelt Kinder an eine geeignete Tagespflegeperson (Tagesmutter, Tagesvater). Außerdem werden Erziehungsberechtigte und Tagespflegepersonen in allen Fragen der Kindertagespflege beraten.


In principle, there is an entitlement to day care from the child's first year of life. Parents can choose between care in a day care facility and care in day care. After the child has reached the age of three, the child is transferred to a day care centre. For children under the age of one, day care can be arranged if the parent or guardian is in gainful employment, taking up gainful employment or looking for work, is in training or if the support in day care serves to ensure the best interests of the child.

The aim of the placement in child day care is to provide continuous care, education and upbringing that is tailored to the child's well-being, the wishes of the parents and the interests and resources of the local childminder.

General conditions

The amount of care depends on individual needs and can usually be 20, 30, 35 or 40 hours per week.

The rights and obligations arising from the day care relationship between the day care worker and the parents are regulated in a contract.

If the childminder is unavailable, other care options can be arranged in consultation with the childminder and the specialist advice centre.

During the arranged childcare relationship, there is a right to ongoing support within the framework of professional advice from the specialist childcare advisors.


Placement can take place on application from the time of the child's birth. Parents are entitled to information and advice on all matters relating to child day care even before submitting an application. As a result of an individual counselling interview or also by e-mail, parents receive information on the number of places available with a child minder or child minder at the desired time of admission of the child.


After a written decision has been issued, the child is usually admitted to a day care centre after a 14-day settling-in period in the presence of a family caregiver and in consultation with the day care provider.

Fees for day care

The collection of fees is regulated by the fee statute for the use of day care facilities for children in municipal sponsorship of the city of Jena. Fees are charged as a monthly amount (equivalent to a place in a day care centre) and are calculated according to the monthly income of the parents, the number of children entitled to child benefit and the amount of care provided.

Tag Zeiten
Montag nach Vereinbarung
Dienstag 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Mittwoch geschlossen
Donnerstag 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitag nach Vereinbarung


  • § 24 SGB VIII
  • § 2 ThürKitaG
  • Statutes of the City of Jena on the promotion and organization of day care for children