Integration assistance / participation - examinations
Ziel der Untersuchung ist die Feststellung des Entwicklungs- und Gesundheitszustandes der Kinder mit körperlichen, geistigen oder seelischen Auffälligkeiten oder für Kinder mit einer drohenden Behinderung. Im Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung werden die möglichen Hilfen und erfolgversprechenden Maßnahmen für die Kinder und deren Familien dargelegt.
Please note that an application for benefits for education and participation is only possible via the integration service of the specialist youth welfare service. Questions regarding the integration assistance procedure must always be clarified via the IGD.
Integration aids (EGH) are, for example:
- Early intervention measures
- integrative day care places
- school companions / integration helpers
- disability-related additional needs
In principle, you will be invited in writing by the child and youth medical service after we have received the order from the integration service. Changes of appointment are only possible in justified exceptional cases.
The presence of at least one parent or guardian is mandatory.
Please bring to the examination
- yellow preventive medical check-up booklet
- vaccination card of the child
- medical or psychological examination results, hospital discharge/cure reports, assessments of the day care centre or school (if available)
Additional documents in case of application for school assistance / integration aids
- School reports of the last two school years
- TQB expert opinion (if available)
Opening hours
Es gibt keine öffentliche Sprechstunde. Für Rückfragen stehen wir ggf. telefonisch zur Verfügung.
The appraisal is free of charge.
Legal basis
- § 35a Social Code Book VIII
- §§ 53, 54 ff and § 58 Para. 2 and § 59 Social Code XII
- §§ 2 ff and 55 ff, § 30 and § 56 Social Code IX