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Kita place search and allocation

Für die Kita-Platz-Suche und für Informationen über alle Jenaer Kindertageseinrichtungen nutzen Sie bitte das Kita-Portal.

The Kita place search and allocation takes place exclusively via the Kita portal.

Prerequisites for registration are:

  • the child is born and a birth certificate has been issued
  • the parents have an e-mail account

Information about the Kita-Portal

  • Kita place search around the clock
  • comprehensive overview of all day care centers in Jena
  • selection according to individual criteria
  • Pre-registration in several facilities at the same time
  • automatic transmission of the registration to the day care centers concerned
  • Transparency in the allocation process

You need a personal user account in the Kita-Portalfor the placement / allocation of places. This informs you about the processing status of your application.


Dienstag 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr


08:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 – 18:00 Uhr


Child Day Care Team

Am Anger 13
07743 Jena