Mental illness - advice on the support system
Der Psychiatrie- und Suchthilfekoordinator gibt einen Überblick zum gemeindepsychiatrischen Hilfesystem und informiert zu den einzelnen Einrichtungen und Diensten.
Jena has a broad network of treatment and support services for people with mental illness. The psychiatry and addiction support coordination office provides information on the various forms of help and gives an overview of the individual support options. The aim is to guarantee care close to home for those affected.
In the community psychiatric association, the providers and the facilities and services are networked with each other in various committees. Patients and relatives are also members of the networks. The meetings are public and welcome interested guests. The psychiatry and addiction help coordinator provides information about the dates and about possibilities to participate in the help system.
The service is mainly provided by telephone or e-mail, but you are also welcome to make an appointment.
Opening hours
Bitte vereinbaren sie per Telefon oder E-Mail einen Termin.