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Driving license - mandatory exchange

Mandatory exchange

In accordance with EU Directive 2006/126/EC (PDF)(link is external), all driving licenses issued before 19.01.2013 must be exchanged. In Germany, the exchange will take place in two stages and staggered in the period from 19.01.2022 to 19.01.2033.

The validity of driving licenses issued from 19.01.2013 is limited to 15 years.

Apply for an exchange date as early as possible - current driving license becomes invalid

In Germany, the exchange takes place in two stages and staggered in the period from 19.01.2022 to 19.01.2033. In the table you will find the relevant exchange date for you. Your driving license must be exchanged by the specified date. Otherwise your current driving license will become invalid. Apply for the exchange date as early as possible.

First stage - paper driving licenses issued up to and including 31.12.1998

Year of birth of driver's license holder

Deadline for exchange

before 1953 19.01.2033
1953 to 1958 19.01.2022
1959 to 1964 19.01.2023
1965 to 1970 19.01.2024
1971 and later


Second stage - card driving licenses issued in the period from 01.01.1999 to 18.01.2013
Year of issue of card driving license
Key date for exchange
1999 to 2001 19.01.2026
2002 to 2004 19.01.2027
2005 to 2007 19.01.2028
2008 19.01.2029
2009 19.01.2030
2010 19.01.2031
2011 19.01.2032
2012 until 18.01.2013 19.01.2033

Note: License holders born before 1953 must exchange their driving license by 19.01.2033, regardless of the year of issue of the driving license.


You have your main residence in Jena.


Applications must be made in person by prior appointment. You do not have to fill out an application form. It will be prepared by us and simply signed by you.

Apply online

Alternatively, you can apply online to the driving license authority(link is external) to exchange your driving license for an EU driving license.

To do this, please have your old driving license ready, as you will need to enter the data accordingly. If your driving license was issued in the former GDR between 1968 and 1982, you must still be in possession of the proof of driving license issue (VK 30 card). Please enclose this proof with the application documents you have signed and send them to us.

If you are the holder of the old category 3, you must answer further questions in the window that appears. You can find more information on this under the notes on the respective classes.

  • Your new driver's license will be sent directly to your registration address by Bundesdruckerei. This means that you do not need to make another personal visit.
  • Should you wish to collect your new driving license in person, this can be done after approx. 4 weeks.
  • Passport or identity card
  • Photograph: Please bring a photograph that is not older than three months and complies with biometric regulations. The photo must be 3.5 x 4.5 cm in size. You can find out what the photo must look like on the Bundesdruckerei website (-> Links).
  • Driver's license: If the existing driver's license was not issued by the city of Jena, a file card copy from the foreign driver's license authority that issued the driver's license is required. Please request the file card copy yourself from the relevant driving license authority and have it sent directly to us or sent by fax.
  • Proof of driving licenses issued in the former GDR from 1968 to 1982 (index card "VK 30")

Dokumentenausgabe - ohne Termin

Dokumente können Sie während der Öffnungszeiten des Bürgerservice am Empfang im Erdgeschoss abholen (ohne Termin).

Andere Anliegen mit Terminvereinbarung

Für persönliche Vorsprache wegen anderen Anliegen muss ein Termin gebucht werden. Das geht online(link is external) oder telefonisch.


Montag nach Vereinbarung
Dienstag 08:40 – 18:00 Uhr
Mittwoch nach Vereinbarung
Donnerstag 08:40 – 16:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:40 – 13:00 Uhr
Service Service fee
Processing fee including driver's license and delivery by direct mail 32,82 €
  • EU Directive 2006/126/EC
  • Driving License Ordinance (FeV)
  • Road Traffic Act (StVG)
  • Fee schedule for road traffic measures (GebOSt)
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