Official medical examination in case of adoption / foster parenthood
Der Fachdienst Gesundheit kann Gesundheitsuntersuchungen im Rahmen von Adoptions- oder Pflegeelternschaftsverfahren im Auftrag von Jugendämtern oder Gerichten durchführen.
Before adopting or taking on foster parenthood, a health fitness examination is required, which you can have carried out at the Fachdienst Gesundheit if you are resident in Jena. Alternatively, the examination can also be carried out by the attending family doctor. The examination serves in particular to exclude communicable diseases, life-shortening illnesses as well as disorders that could limit the ability to raise the child. The examination includes a physical examination, a medical and family history and a visual and hearing test. Approximately one hour should be allowed for this. An appointment is necessary.
Information on data protection
Information in accordance with Article 13 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) on the processing of personal data can be found under Downloads.
- Identity card
- Vaccination card
- Glasses passport, if applicable
- If applicable, existing medical findings, e.g. in the case of chronic illnesses
Opening hours
Aktuell können im Fachdienst Gesundheit wieder Begutachtungen durchgeführt werden. Hierfür vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin bei uns über den unten stehenden Ansprechpartner.
Service | Fee |
Examination, incl. certificate - for minors | free of charge |
Examination, incl. certificate - for adults | 40,00 Euro |
Fees are charged on the basis of the Thuringian Administrative Costs Act (ThürVwKostG) in conjunction with the respective administrative cost regulations.
Please note that payments to the Health Department can only be made by EC or credit card.