Official medical examination for civil servant status
Vor einer anstehenden Verbeamtung bzw. auch vor Antritt eines Referendariats müssen sich die Bewerber/innen nach beamtenrechtlichen Vorschriften einer amtsärztlichen Untersuchung zur gesundheitlichen Eignung unterziehen.
Official medical examination
Before being taken on as a civil servant for revocation, a fixed term, a probationary period or for life, a medical examination by a public health officer is required by law to determine health suitability. Depending on the state law, the presentation of a medical certificate of fitness may also be required before starting a traineeship. You must make an appointment in good time for this examination with the Health Service. The examination is only carried out if you have your residence or (future) place of work in Jena.
Information on data protection
Information in accordance with Article 13 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) on the processing of personal data can be found under Downloads.
Please remember to make an appointment for an examination in good time, as waiting times of several weeks can occur. The examination consists of a detailed medical history, a physical examination, including vision and hearing tests and a urine examination. At least one hour should be planned for the examination.
If no pathological findings are found during the examination, the medical certificate is usually issued 2 weeks after the examination.
Please note the following on the day of the examination:
- Presentation of a valid identity card required
- Presentation of the examination order of the (future) employer required
- Presentation of vaccination certificate required
- If necessary, do not forget your glasses/contact lenses and glasses passport (eye test).
- If necessary, bring along previous medical reports in case of chronic illnesses, allergy passport or medication schedule.
- If necessary, bring a maternity record for pregnant women
Office hours
Aktuell können im Fachdienst Gesundheit wieder Begutachtungen durchgeführt werden. Hierfür vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin bei uns über den unten stehenden Ansprechpartner.
Services | Fee |
Official medical examination and certificate | 97,74 Euro |
Fees are charged on the basis of the Thuringian Administrative Costs Act (ThürVwKostG) in conjunction with the respective administrative cost regulations.
Please note that payments to the Health Department can only be made by EC or credit card.
Legal basis
- for Thuringia: Section 8 of the ThürLaufbG in conjunction with Section 33 of the ThürBG
- for other Länder: respective Land-specific civil service law provisions