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Psychological performance diagnostics

Die psychologische Leistungsdiagnostik zur Ermittlung von Leistungsvoraussetzungen dient der Feststellung von Stärken und Schwächen des Kindes und der Ermittlung erster Förderhinweise.

In addition, based on the results of the diagnostics, advice can be given on the school career or on the choice of the appropriate type of school. For preschool children, the examination serves as a decision-making aid for parents with uncertainties about starting school.

The counselling services are free of charge and confidential and are aimed at parents with custody residing in Jena.

Consultation is by appointment.Appointments are best made by phone or email.

An answering machine is available during the consultations. switched.

  • §§ 16 and 28 Social Code Book VIII


Team family counseling

Hugo-Schrade-Straße 41
07745 Jena