Rent schoolrooms
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, in den Jenaer Schulen allgemeine Unterrichtsräume, Fachräume, PC-Kabinette, Aulen, Speiseräume und Küchen für Veranstaltungen anzumieten.
With the application to conclude a Met contract, you can contact the desired school. The completed application must be signed by the school management and the caretaker and sent to the school administration team for the preparation of the rental contract.
The calculation of the rental fee is based on the de-regulation for the rental of rooms, assembly halls and dining rooms of the Department of Social Affairs and Culture for non-school events (Official Gazette No. 12/2000).
- if necessary, enclose proof of non-profit status (only applies to associations in Jena)
Services |
Fee |
general classroom (1 hour) | 8,00 € (heating-free period) / 10,00 € (heating period) |
general classroom (1 double hour) | 13,00 € (heating-free period) / 15,50 € (heating period) |
general classroom (daily use) | 26,00 € (heating-free period) / 31,00 € (heating period) |
Special room (1 hour) | 13,00 € (heating-free period) / 15,50 € (heating period) |
Special room (1 double hour) | 20,50 € (heating-free period) / 23,00 € (heating period) |
Special room (daily use) | 41,00 € (heating-free period) / 46,00 € (heating period) |
PC Cabinet (1 hour) | 18,00 € (heating-free period) / 20,50 € (heating period) |
PC Cabinet (1 double hour) | 26,00 € (heating-free period) / 28,00 € (heating period) |
PC Cabinet (daily use) | 51,00 € (heating-free period) / 56,00 € (heating period) |
Assembly hall (1 hour) | 26,00 € (heating-free period) / 31,00 € (heating period) |
Aula (daily use) | 102,00 € (heating-free period) / 128,00 € (heating period) |
Dining room (1 hour) | 15,50 € (heating-free period) / 18,00 € (heating period) |
Dining room (daily use) | 31,00 € (heating-free period) / 36,00 € (heating period) |
Overnight stay in school rooms (per person and night) | 3,00 € |
Use of the schoolyard for events (1 hour) | 5,00 € |
Use of the schoolyard for events (day use) | 51,00 € |
heating-free period = April to August, heating period = September to March
Further information on discounts etc. can be found in the statutes under Downloads.
Opening hours
Tag | Zeiten |
Montag | nach Vereinbarung |
Dienstag | 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr |
Mittwoch | geschlossen |
Donnerstag | 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr |
Freitag | nach Vereinbarung |
Legal basis
- Fee regulation for the renting of rooms, assembly halls and dining rooms of the Department of Social Affairs and Culture for non-school events