Request funds for the implementation of family support measures
Träger, Verbände der Wohlfahrtspflege und kirchliche Träger können sich bei der Umsetzung familienunterstützender Maßnahmen von der Stadt Jena unterstützen lassen.
State Programme "Solidarity between Generations" (LSZ)
The funds for the implementation of family-supporting measures are provided by the state programme "Solidarisches Zusammenleben der Generationen" (LSZ) or in short: state programme "Familie eins99".
The support of families has been stipulated in the coalition agreement of the Thuringian state government of 2014.
If you want to implement a family support measure, then you can find the corresponding application form under -> Forms.
A prerequisite for the municipalities is an overall planning of the family support measures, offers and facilities in line with demand. This includes an inventory and needs assessment for all fields of action in the state programme.
This subject-specific integrated plan of the city of Jena was adopted by the Social Committee on 28.10.2018 (18/2048-BV: Subject-specific integrated plan within the framework of the state programme "Solidarisches Zusammenleben der Generationen/ Familie eins99") and forms the planning basis in the state programme for five years.
In addition to the funds of the continuance protection, the city of Jena receives financial resources for the implementation of further family-supporting measures and offers.
Guideline for allocation
For the allocation of these resources, the city has drawn up a guideline and a project application for sponsors, welfare associations and church sponsors, on the basis of which the application and approval of the funds takes place. The LSZ planning advisory board acts as a technical body and advises on submitted projects, measures and offers from facilities and providers. Members of the planning advisory board are
- the head of the department for family, education and social affairs
- the chairwoman of the social committee
- dthe heads of the departments of health, social affairs, youth welfare and youth and education
- a representative of the Paritätischen Wohlverbandes, district group Jena
- a representative of the Jenaer Bündnis für Familie (Jena Alliance for Family)
- the equal opportunity commissioner of the city of Jena.
The social committee decides on the allocation.
For the year 2021, the application deadline for project applications is set to 20.11.2020 for project applications. During the year depending on available residual funds - project applications eight weeks before the start of the project. submittedt be submitted. The application must be submitted in writing to the
Municipality of Jena
Department for Family, Education and Social Affairs
Team Integrated Social Planning
Lutherplatz 3
07743 Jena
ato be submitted.
The completed PDF file must also be sent by e-mail to lsz@jena.de.
In case of an approval a registration according to the general guidelines of the city of Jena .
Opening hours
Tag | Zeiten |
Montag | 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr |
Dienstag | 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr |
Mittwoch | 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr |
Donnerstag | 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr |
Freitag | 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr |
Legal basis
- Thuringian Law on the Restructuring of Family Support and on Changes to Foundations v18 December 2018
- Guideline for the state programme "Solidaric Coexistence of Generations" (LSZ Guideline) of 19 December 2018.