Children, young people and adolescents who have committed a criminal offence - counselling
Im Fokus des Krisen-Interventions-Projekts (KIP) steht die Beratung straffällig gewordener Kinder & Jugendlicher.
Unser Anliegen ist es, Schwierigkeiten, Probleme und Belastungen die im Zusammenhang mit Straftaten auftreten, gemeinsam zu bearbeiten.
Target groups of the KIP
- children who have become conspicuous through criminal offences (up to the age of 14)
- juvenile offenders (from the age of 14 to the age of 18)
- juvenile offenders (from the age of 18 to the age of 21)
- witnesses of crime
- victims of crime
- parents, teachers, educators, pupils and
- other interested citizens
On the basis of an agreement between the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Jena and the public prosecutor's office and the police, the KIP is entitled to take action before a decision is made by the public prosecutor's office on the further course of criminal proceedings.
Legal basis
- Social Security Code VIII
- Juvenile Court Act
Office hours
Gesprächstermine nach telefonischer Vereinbarung