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On this page you will find services of the city of Jena at a glance. Services are services that can be actively requested from the city. You can search directly for the title of a service within the list or filter by category or area.

Guardian Advice

Advice and support for guardians and custodians
    • Jugend & Soziales
    • Besonderer Sozialer Dienst

Health card

Before carrying out an activity in the food sector for the first time, instruction and certification (health card) in accordance with § 43 IfSG is required for a specific group of persons.
    • Gesundheit
    • Hygiene

help with raising children

Educational aids support parents in their upbringing so that they can master their everyday problems, conflicts and crises on their own.
    • Jugend & Soziales
    • Allgemeiner Sozialer Dienst

Historic preservation - funding opportunities

There are various funding possibilities for the preservation of cultural monuments, such as tax concessions under monument law, but also direct grants.
    • Bauordnung / Denkmalschutz
    • Denkmalschutz

Holiday offers

The city of Jena publishes a holiday brochure for the Easter, summer and autumn holidays.
    • Jugend & Soziales
    • Jugendarbeit/Jugendsozialarbeit

Housing and technology advice for seniors

Housing advice for senior citizens in the event of illness, care or disability. Advice on age-appropriate living and conversion as well as technical aids in everyday life.
    • Wohnen / Umzug
    • Allgemeiner Sozialer Dienst