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On this page you will find services of the city of Jena at a glance. Services are services that can be actively requested from the city. You can search directly for the title of a service within the list or filter by category or area.

Deregister apartment

Since 01.11.2015 the deregistration of a secondary residence in Jena can only be done at the registration office of the main residence.
    • Melde-, Personenstands- & Ausländerwesen
    • Wohnen / Umzug
    • Bürgerservice

Deregister dog

The deregistration of a dog has to be done within 2 weeks after the termination of the dog keeping.
    • Finanzen / Steuern
    • Gemeindesteuern

Deviation from building and planning regulations

If it is not possible to comply with building regulations or building planning regulations, deviations can be applied for with appropriate justification and a different solution, in the case of otherwise procedure-free projects as an "isolated" deviation.
    • Bauordnung / Denkmalschutz
    • Bauordnung

Digital city map - excerpt

Order possibility for excerpts from the digital city map of Jena
    • Stadtumbau / Infrastruktur
    • Geoinformation

District mayoral election

The district mayors are elected at the same time as the city council members.
    • Statistik & Wahlen
    • Bürgerservice
    • Onlineservice