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On this page you will find services of the city of Jena at a glance. Services are services that can be actively requested from the city. You can search directly for the title of a service within the list or filter by category or area.

Election of the members of the district council

The members of the district council are elected at the same time as the members of the city council. The term of office begins and ends with the statutory term of office of the city council.
    • Statistik & Wahlen
    • Bürgerservice
    • Onlineservice

Electronic invoice transmission

Procedure for receiving e-bills in the Jena city administration, e-bill, electronic bill receipt, routing ID
    • Finanzen / Steuern
    • Buchhaltung / Vollstreckung

Enforcement in favour of third parties

Enforcement of public law monetary claims for certain creditors (groups of creditors) who are not themselves enforcement authorities or do not employ enforcement agents.
    • Finanzen / Steuern
    • Buchhaltung / Vollstreckung

Entertainment tax

Registration, change as well as reporting obligations on the subject of amusement tax
    • Finanzen / Steuern
    • Gemeindesteuern

EU card driving licence - exchange

You would like to exchange your old driving licence for the standardised EU driving licence in credit card format.
    • Kraftfahrzeug / Führerschein
    • Fahrerlaubnisbehörde

Exemption from approval - building notification

In areas with a qualified development plan, buildings of building class GK 1 and 2 as well as residential buildings of GK 3 and other building structures do not require a building permit, unless exemptions and exceptions apply. A notification is sufficient.
    • Bauordnung / Denkmalschutz
    • Bauordnung

Extend Jenabonus

To extend the Jenabonus, you must go to the Citizen Service Centre in person.
    • Jugend & Soziales
    • Bürgerservice