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On this page you will find services of the city of Jena at a glance. Services are services that can be actively requested from the city. You can search directly for the title of a service within the list or filter by category or area.

Replace vehicle registration document / ZB I

Here you will find more detailed information on the replacement of a vehicle registration certificate / a registration certificate part I.
    • Kraftfahrzeug / Führerschein
    • Bürgerservice

Replace vehicle registration document / ZB II

Here you will find more detailed information on the replacement of a vehicle registration certificate / a registration certificate part II.
    • Kraftfahrzeug / Führerschein
    • Bürgerservice

Report damage or defects

Report defects or general damage via the defect reporter.
    • Abfall
    • Kraftfahrzeug / Führerschein
    • Oberbürgermeister
    • Ordnung
    • Stadtumbau / Infrastruktur
    • Straßenverkehr & -verwaltung
    • Umwelt
    • Kommunikation

Request blocking of data transmission

You have the possibility to object to the data transfer in the cases mentioned in the article.
    • Melde-, Personenstands- & Ausländerwesen
    • Bürgerservice
    • Onlineservice